Dec 28, 2023
In the 186th episode of The Main Street Electrical Podcast, Jenn
& Dave close the year with what is now a tradition -- with the
Candlelight Processional!
In year's past, both Jenn and Dave have taken turns reading the
narration, pulled directly from the long standing classic annual
production at Epcot, with the music from the show intersparsed, but
this year, they've asked a few Friends of the Show to pitch in and
lend their voices to the narrations.
Matt & Susie from The ImagineEars Podcast... Catron, Ryan, and Chris from IAmGeek... Derek Frank from Living with the Landspeeder... Melissa Reagan from The Food for Thoughtcast... and show faves Quasi Producer Heather and #KylaKylaKyla all assist, with Dave and Jenn of course.
What you'll hear in this show is nearly the exact show you'd
hear if you attended the CLP over the holiday season at Epcot. So
we hope you enjoy our presentation of The Candlelight
All rights of music go to the writers, composers, and producers of
the musical works themselves, as well as the script of the
narration to those who adapted it for the show.